IT Transformation Business Strategy

IT Transformation Business Strategy






I-NNOVA Advisory


Partner in Charge

Sale, Design & Implementation

Education - Consumer Business


An Information Technology strategy project was developed that was based on the Digital transformation of the company for the next 5 years, with the premises of achieving maximum flexibility in the operation of the organization, which would allow both upsizing and downsizing in very short terms and for On the other hand, to achieve medium-term technological support aimed at being able to support three types of go to market: A) Retail sale to final consumer in store, B) corporate sale and C) own and outsourced ecommerce business, all in the form simultaneous.

For this, a path was drawn that I consider in the first place the implementation of a technological platform that had the fully integrated ERP – CRM – BI – ecommerce functionality. Second, to achieve an organizational structure that could work both on site and remotely according to demand and situation. And thirdly, to have a work and communication platform that could be integrated into the transactional platform and that would achieve the maximum possible operational efficiency in the company.

A strategy was developed in which it was decided to implement Odoo as a transactional platform in the cloud in a standard format, which allowed investment in a modular and sequential way, initially of all the necessary modules of the Backoffice, Marketing and CRM. Subsequently, the implementation of its own e-Commerce was defined and, in parallel, the strategy of migrating all staff to use mobile processing equipment instead of fixed desktop equipment was implemented. As a penultimate phase, the implementation of the Office 365 platform was established. as a collaborative platform integrating it with the ERP and finally the implementation of Business Intelligence and the respective management Dashboard of the company was stipulated.

Thanks to the implementation of this strategy, the Pandemic allowed to demonstrate the high level of flexibility acquired and showed an adequate decision of the CM Valkiria management to adapt to the harsh conjunctural circumstances that generated both the health pandemic and the political ups and downs in Peru.



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