IT & Hardware Restructuring

IT & Hardware Restructuring






Deloitte & Touche

Euromotors (VW-AUDI)

Partner Director

Sale & Steering Committtee



One of the group companies contacted us because they were having performance problems with their billing system, in which at certain times the billing documents took up to 1 hour to print. They already planned to acquire hardware to have more processing power, but according to our high-level diagnosis, the issue was not a hardware performance problem, but a platform use issue. 

They were offered and executed a general analysis project of hardware and software platforms to initially determine the problem and, based on that diagnosis, take the appropriate measures. 

In 2 weeks it was determined that the problem was related to the use of platforms, since they had implemented a datawarehousing system on the same server as the transactional platform, with which it was only necessary to change the implementation of the datawarehouse to a new server and perform a fine tuning of applications and servers, thus solving the problem raised. 

It was a short project, but it saved the customer several thousand dollars on a hardware investment that was not going to solve the problem. In this case, my role was to accompany the team in the analysis and definition of the diagnostic parameters.



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