Navigation Systems for Mercedes Benz cars in Argentina

Navigation Systems for Mercedes Benz cars in Argentina







Área Comercial Automóviles MB

Project Manager




Given that Mercedes Benz cars already brought all the equipment for the use of navigation systems on their integrated screens, it was necessary to develop the possibility of its use in Argentina, since there was no availability of said platform for the Argentine market.

I was asked to take charge of the project for its implementation, for which I would work together with the development teams of these platforms at the headquarters and see the possibility of implementing them in this geography. 

The problem arose, in that for this we had to have two important inputs: 

A) A mapping system that could be incorporated into the platform for use and 

B) that the country had international permits for the proper use of satellites to such an end. Regarding cartography, we had managed to put together the process of incorporating the cartography of the largest cities in Argentina, including, we were able to agree on its continuous updating regarding the infrastructure, but not the daily information on street blockades due to various events by part of the governmental sphere.

On the other hand, we found that, at the international level, there were prohibitions for Argentina regarding the parameters of use of the satellites dedicated to this purpose, and the basic drawback was that the brand’s navigation systems require a satellite precision of 3 meters, and this was denied for Argentina, since the minimum that was authorized was 100 meters. Unfortunately, this meant that the project had to be postponed until such time as this restriction would allow its implementation.



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