The 3 secrets of an effective Interim Management

The 3 secrets of an effective Interim Management

In the field of Interim Management, there is no single or magic formula that ensures results, since the combination of success factors is truly broad, and we must bear in mind that there are endogenous and exogenous.

It can be assumed that, in the first instance, some factors depend on the Interim Manager, his skills, his knowledge, his experience and his style. 

On the other hand, we must consider that the business ecosystem also has many edges that, regardless of its new leader, can affect or favor the achievement of new objectives. 

Thirdly, we must consider the market, which based on everything experienced in the last 4 years, we understand that there are many external factors that are totally outside the control of the organization as a whole.  

But a CEO Interim Manager who has the right experience, skills, knowledge and creativity, can navigate the company in big storms like those that many companies are experiencing right now.  

From this point, I will reveal to you, what are the 3 secrets of an Interim Manager that ensure the success of your management:

1 – Productive Communication

When the hiring of an Interim Management service was defined, it is because a certain function or strategic position of the company, is vacant and needs to be replaced immediately or because the decision has been made to reverse a mismanagement and you want to immediately solve the problem with an executive who has the necessary attributes to,  in a short time, to be able to give a rudder blow and solve those strategic inconveniences. 

Based on this, in these situations empty spaces of communication inevitably occur and people seek to fill those gaps with information that in the vast majority of cases, is invented or deduced erroneously, including the personal interests of each individual in the organization. 

Therefore, one of the most important things is to properly manage communication with the entire company. In my case, I have adopted for 17 years the concept of Productive Communication, which has changed my life both personally and professionally.

What is the concept of Productive Communication based on?

Is one that is based on the generation of relationships. As we all know, relationships are based on trust, so every time you are communicating with one or more people, you are somehow committing to something with the other party. When commitments are met, relationships endure and become extremely strong, thus generating good teamwork, a work environment without gaps and very high efficiency and the empowerment of the organization.

“Productive communication is based on the generation of relationships. These are based on trust and when you are communicating with one or more people, you are engaging with the other party. If the commitments are fulfilled, the relationships endure and become extremely strong, generating a teamwork of very high efficiency and the empowerment of the organization.”

2 – Creativity

Situations such as those we have experienced and that have affected companies around the world, have revived two major areas, which are prevention and the need for the use of creativity at its best. 

But beyond that, for an Interim Manager who has little time to achieve results, creativity is a skill that must be used daily to find solutions different from those already used until that moment, to solve the strategic problems of the business. 

If creativity is combined with vast experience in various industries, solutions are often very simple but effective and proven. 

The ideal profile that has all the tools to capitalize on this type of skills, is one that has developed functions in the field of business consulting that, in general, are professionals who have analyzed and executed projects in various industries, in various geographies, in all types of companies and has had to live with different cultures. All this gives you an immeasurable wealth of creativity and the possibility of knowledge transfer in challenges of this nature.

“Leaders who manage to set the ideal pace in an organization can achieve any result they set their minds to, but that is only achieved with the right experience, knowledge and skills.”

3 – The Rhythm

Finally, we come to one of the most important secrets that has given me really important results. When a leader has goals to meet in very short terms, he must have the work team accompany him in that race against the clock. 

And the best example can be visualized in formula 1, where those who really have outstanding results, are the teams that achieve the best pace, where communication generates close relationships of trust, each member of the team is empowered and knows perfectly what he must do, being able with creativity and speed, to solve unplanned problems that may arise. 

The director of a team of this sport, is the architect of guiding the whole team including its pilots and from his experience, he knows when to accelerate, when to drive calmly, when a driver must let a partner pass, when he must stop to refuel, etc. 

The important thing is the pace with which the organization is managed, and many times it has happened to me to ask my teams for one more effort in difficult moments, as well as to be able to give them rest at the right times, but when the results were achieved, everyone realized that they had managed to surpass themselves, and their contribution to the company,  it generated not only their corresponding personal reward, but also their satisfaction of having been an important part of those achievements. 

Leaders who manage to establish the ideal rhythm in an organization can achieve any result they propose, but that is only achieved with the corresponding experience, knowledge and skills.

Now, it is important to clarify that the 3 items mentioned are intimately intertwined and must be developed and used together and simultaneously, because with one of them that is not properly aligned, the chances of success are significantly reduced.

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