Business Transformation I-NNOVA Digital New Business Unit creation

Business Transformation I-NNOVA Digital New Business Unit creation






I-NNOVA Advisory

I-NNOVA Digital Transformation

Partner in Charge

New Business Creation

Digital Services


As part of the innovation policy as a continuous process of improvement, in 2018 new strategies were defined for maximum use of the organization’s knowledge in alignment with the vision of future market needs and trends, for which one of the projects was to expand the base of the I-NNOVA Advisory portfolio towards solutions and products in the field of Digital Transformation. 

Based on the market analysis carried out, it was detected the need to shore up various market niches that had very ambiguous or low-value-added solutions, such as the case of Digital Advertising aimed at increasing customer sales, and more specifically, at the point of sales to support impulse sales and product promotion. 

With this new business strategy, it was decided to set up the I-NNOVA Digital Transformation business unit to optimize P&L management and focus efforts, resources and results based on the new business modality much more oriented to the sale of product instead from the sale of projects of the consulting business unit. 

This decision was of a strategic nature so that the group would have a business unit that would become the Base-Line for generating income and covering costs and that the consulting field, with a saw-type business modality, would allow a better base of growth of I-NNOVA as a whole and more sustainable over time.



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